Monday, 16 April 2012

What's My Story?

I have only been drinking beer since 2008. I thought you might like to know
how this came about, so here's my story...

I have tried beer at various times throughout my life. My grandad and uncle
would dip our dummies in their pints when we were little. As I got old
enough to drink alcohol myself I didn't really like beer. I was girl, I
drank fruity drinks.

In 2007 I began work on cruise ships and the crew bar only served beer and
wine. I'm not a big wine drinker. I only really like white wine and sweet
ones at that. That left me with Smirnoff Ice.... Which was so sugary it
gave me indigestion. I had to find something else to drink...

I suffered the lack of suitable beverages until the summer of 2008. I was
on a different ship by then and with new people. While in the crew bar one
night one of my male friends went to buy me a drink and the conversation
went something like this:
Him: What do you want?
Me: A Smirnoff
Him: I'm not buying you that, it's basically Sprite, I'm getting you a beer
Me: But I don't like beer!
Him: You've never had a Sam Adams, have you?

He was right, I hadn't... I loved it! To this day Sam Adams is still my
favourite. It opened me up to a whole world of hoppy goodness. From there
I wanted to try more - lagers, ales, stouts, fruit based. I have found a
world of flavours in beers and I want to find more!

Tried Beer List

Here is my continually growing beer list. This post will be updated every time I try a new beer so keep an eye on it!

4-4-2 Shepherd Neame
Alaskan Amber Ale
Alaskan Summer Ale
Alexander Keith’s Dark
Alexander Keith’s Premium White
Alexander Keith’s Red
Badger Tanglefoot
Baltika lager
Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale

Bass Pale Ale
Belkin Lager

BH (Beer House) Premium
Blue Moon Belgian White
Boddingtons Pub Ale
Boulevard Lunar Ale
Brand Up

Brooklyn Lager
Bud Light
Bud Light Lime
Chimay Premier Rouge
Coopers original pale ale
Coors Light
Cornhusker lager
Corona Light
Dos Equis Amber
Dos Exies

Dunkle (Krombacher)
Dunkles Extra
Florida Beer Florida Lager
Früh Kölsch
Fruli strawberry beer
Fumisterie (Hemp beer)
Garrison Raspberry Wheat
Greenwich Raspberry Wheat
Hobgoblin Ale
Hoegaarden Original white ale
Indiana Pale Ale
Ironshore Bock
Island Summer Ale
John Smith's Extra Smooth
Karhu III
Key West Sunset Ale
Kilkenny Irish Ale
Kona Longboard

Konig Ludwig Dunkle
Kronenbourg 1664
La Mondaine Brune
Landshark lager

Lapin Kulta III
Leafpeeper Lager
M&S Belgian Cherry Wheatbeer
Mariestads 3.5%
Marsalkka Vehnä

Märzen Spezial
Meantime London Porter
Medalla light
Medovar Honey
Michlob Light
Miller Light

Modelo Especial
Molson Canadian
Moosehead Lager
Moosehead Light
Newcastle Brown Ale
Newport Storm Hurricane Amber Ale
Newport Storm Oktoberfest

Norfolk Bitter
Old Speckled Hen
Pearl Light
Péché Mortel
Pete’s Wicked Ale Strawberry Blonde
Pilsner Gold

Pilsner Urquell
Propeller Pumpkin Ale
Pump House Blueberry Ale

Punk IPA
Red Rooster Ale
Red Stripe
Red Stripe Bold
Redbridge Gluten Free Beer
Rickard’s White Ale

Rostocker Pils
Rothaus Hefeweizen Zäpfle
Russell Cream Ale
Russell Honey Blonde
Russell Lager
Saku Originaal
Salva Vida
Samuel Adams Backberry Witbeir
Samuel Adams Boston Brick Red
Samuel Adams Boston Lager
Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat
Samuel Adams Irish Red
Samuel Adams Latitude 48 IPA
Samuel Adams Noble Pilsner
Samuel Adams Oktoberfest
Samuel Adams Summer Ale
Samuel Adams White Ale
Samuel Adams Winter Lager

Sandringham Diamond Ale
San Miguel
Sands Light
Sea Dog Blueberry Wheat
Sea Dog India Pale Ale
Shipyard Export Ale
Shock Top Belgian White

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sleeman IPA
Southern Tier Raspberry Wheat
Spendrups Premium Lager 5%
Spitfire Kentish Ale
St-Ambroise The Great Pumpkin Ale (Citrouille)

St David's Light
Stella Artois
Super Bock
Tecate Light
Tiger Beer
Tropical Mango Pale Ale
Tuborg Classic
Tuborg Gron
Unibroue Blonde De Chambly

Vana Viini Lager 
Warsteiner Premium Verum
Wieckse Witte
Wychcraft White Ale
Yeugling traditional lager

Let Me Tell You A Little About Myself...

Hello! Welcome to the first post of my new blog.

My name is Joanne and by profession I am a wardrobe supervisor. Most of the time I work on cruise ships traveling the world and doing arty things. I embroider, watch movies, read books and hang out with my friends. Recently, however, I have realised that I have another hobby. I really like beer.... and I really like tasting beer! Where ever I am I like to try the 'beer of the land'.

I only started to drink beer in 2008 but since then to date (April 2012) I have tried 127 different beers and my list is growing all the time.

On this blog I am going to start writing about the beers I try and the beer adventures I have. I also hope to learn about beer while I'm at it. I'm no expert, I just like drinking beer! I want to learn about types of beer, brewers and all that jazz and hopefully give you my unique perspective on it - as a woman, as a traveler, as an artist and as an amateur.

Follow me on my journey, why don't you and have a few brews with me :-)